Thursday, July 5, 2012

All About Seattle

  Our first BIG city! The group was excited to get out and see what a big west coast city had to offer.  In order to see Seattle in its fullest we had a local tour guide step onto our bus and give us a city tour.  We saw some of the city parks, the lock system along Lake Washington and Pudget Sound, and the salmon run.  It was really neat to see the inner workings of the city.

This is waterfall park in the middle of the city paid for and made by UPS!

These are the locks that get the boats back and forth from fresh and salt water.  You can see a boat in the lock waiting to get lowered.

This is our tour guide telling the group about Seattle.  He's pretty passionate about his city.

These are the fish laddars.  The salmon swin back into fresh water to lay eggs and eventually die.